Sculpt Fitness Center

Sculpt Fitness Center & Gym in Patong

Work out with views of the Tropical Pool in the foreground and Phuket’s jungle beyond at this gym in Patong. The fitness center gives you the possibility of maintaining your exercise routine while on holiday, in an exhilarating setting. For an exceptional wellness experience, you can sculpt, tone and get your heart pumping on next-generation fitness machines before relaxing in the Jivana Spa or cooling off in one of the resort’s three Swimming Pools.


Feeling Adventurous? Unleash yourself into the midst of nature and try this Unbeaten Path while exercising at the best gym in Patong.

See our Rooms & Suites and start planning your next getaway today!


Benefit from the best rate guaranteed by booking direct! Enjoy an extra 10% off your stay with Accor ALL.